What happens if I get a double booking while using Hosthub?

First of all, relax. Whatever happens, we take care of it. If the double booking is our fault, we talk to the second guest, we relocate him to a similar (or better) home and take care of any extra costs (max of $500 USD).

We are so confident in our service since we are the only short-term rental channel manager that can offer a Zero Double Booking Guarantee*, and the peace of mind you so need so MUCH.

Additionally (but just as important), we talk to the channels and make sure they do not penalize your account explaining that it was our fault (this always works, we have a very good relationship with the channels).

If the double booking was caused by you (e.g. you removed blocked dates directly from a channel that should not be removed) then we will still help you resolve the issue in collaboration with each channel by providing step-by-step instructions to minimize any negative effect.

In one word: We’re always here for you!

*Zero Double Booking Guarantee is only available for API connected channels.


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