Updates by phone
Ever found yourself without internet access, desperate to block some dates on your calendars due to last-minute changes, and no way to do it? Hosthub has the solution! Just call us anytime, 24/7 and 365 days a year, and ask us to block or unblock dates on your calendar! To make sure it's you calling, just give us your name and the support PIN you will find in your account settings page, and we'll take care of the rest. With Hosthub, you get peace of mind above all!

More Features

Zero Double Booking
We are the only channel manager that can offer a Zero Double Booking Guarantee
Zero Double Booking
Automated Messaging
Create and schedule personalized emails that you want to send to your guests
Automated Messaging
Reports and Charts
Full reports regarding your total booked nights, your average nights per stay, your occupancy rate, and revenue
Reports and Charts
Multiple Configuration Setup
Offer your house as a whole or each room separately and sync all those configurations
Multiple Configuration Setup
Team Management
Share your listings with multiple levels of permission to homeowners, accountants, cleaning staff, etc
Team ManagementSync your properties on 200+ channels

Start synchronising your listings
Free 14 day trial