PMS for Vacation Rentals
Sync your availability calendar & rates across 200+ channels
With Hosthub’s Property Management System, you can increase your bookings and revenues by listing your properties on multiple vacation rental channels and we make sure that all your calendars will be updated & synchronized in real-time.
Hosthub is the only PMS that can synchronize listings between more than 200+ channels with a 100% success rate and a Zero Double Booking Guarantee (available only for API connected channels).
Manage all of your bookings from one dashboard
Increase your bookings and revenues
Avoid double bookings
Quality assurance on the stages
Multiple update methods
Why trust Hosthub's PMS?
Hosthub supports more channels than any other property management system today.Multiple update methods
If for any reason the update has not been executed correctly with the default update method, Hosthub falls back to the next available update method. If that fails, we fall back to the next and so on until our QA system has verified that the calendars have been modified correctly.
Quality assurance on all stages
At the heart of our platform is a Quality Assurance mechanism that checks each and every channel update to make sure that the correct dates have been updated.
Benefits of using Hosthub
Hosthub offers unprecedented peace of mind you will not find anywhere else!Zero Double-Booking Guarantee
Whatever happens, we take care of it. If the double booking is our fault, we talk to the second guest, relocate him to a similar (or better) home & take care of any extra costs. Zero Double Booking Guarantee is only available for API-connected channels.
Support for 200+ vacation rental channels
With over 200 supported channels, you’ll get all the bookings you can handle. If you want to post your short-term rental on more websites than you are listed today, we can do that for you.
24/7 support with an average response time under 5 minutes
Just call us anytime, 24/7 and 365 days a year, we would be happy to help!
With Hosthub, you get peace of mind above all!
Hosthub's PMS Features
Sync all your calendars, across all your channels200+ Channels
Actually, not 200 channels… All channels! Any channel in the world. As long as it’s in English and more than 2 customers ask for it, we will include it!
Sync with your own website
We are the only PMS in the world that can sync your calendars with any website, even your custom website. Be it WordPress, Wix, Joomla, Drupal, you name it, we support it.
Real-time 2-way sync on All channels
Most of the competition at this price range uses ical connectivity to update calendars, which means 2-4 hour delays at minimum, and 8-12 hour delays possible. That means double bookings. We sync with all channels always under 10 minutes, and usually under 5.
Easiest setup possible
If you have tried other property management systems you will be BLOWN AWAY at how easy Hosthub is. Setup is instant, and almost zero effort is needed after that. Just sit back and enjoy the peace of mind you so much need.
Sync your properties on 200+ channels